Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A bit of background before the fun begins...

Firstly, thank you for visiting. 

I enjoy writing, (a lot) and have had a number of people encourage me to share some of my stuff with the world.

Some background on me: Writing is not my profession. It's strictly a hobby and at times a coping mechanism for the struggles of every day life. Some of what I write will be a pure adventure. Some of what I write might pull some emotions out of you that you weren't expecting. All of what I write comes from my heart. Every word you read has been pored over by myself, analyzed (sometimes over-analyzed) and heavily considered before appearing here. My writing will range across many genres, topics, locations, and scenes. Some will be funny, some will be sad, hopefully all of it will be enjoyable to you in some way.

My long term goal is to spread my writing as far as possible, and hopefully this can begin that extended reach. If you're reading this, now, I want to thank you for taking the time to read the words of a stranger. I welcome any and all feedback, whether good, bad, or neither here nor there. If you leave here after reading a post thinking, "eh, that was cool I guess," then I'm happy. Hey, at least you read it! But please, I encourage you to leave a comment. If you think I'm shit, tell me I'm shit! If you loved it, I'd love to hear what you loved specifically! Also, a lot of my work will be coming from prompts, although I do have many original ideas as well. I'll be sure to highlight which is which on each post.

If you have an idea you think would be interesting, leave a comment and I'll do my best to fulfill your idea to it's maximum potential!

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to visit and read. Words are powerful things, and I hope I can stir up some emotion with mine.

"One must be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."

     -Cassandra Clare, The Infernal Devices         



See the Archive on the right sidebar for more stories!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir, I welcome any and all feedback so this is greatly appreciated.

  2. Can I be unnecessarily critical? It's "pored over."

    There, I said it. Regardless, there had better be an abundance of Star Wars references and talking animals in these writings.

    1. That was unnecessary! Thanks for the heads up haha
